Date: Sat Nov 18, 2000 10:27am I think this group is a good place for me to be right now. I have been on Paxil for 2 years and I am now beginning to process to go off of it. I went on for severe anxiety and problems with vertigo that stemmed from the anxiety. I am also on klonipin. I had no negative reactions to Paxil, but I have gained 70 lbs!! This may seem like a minor thing to some, but I cannot take it anymore. I also have worked a lot on the issues that caused my initial anxiety. So goes a brief version of my story, and I will keep you posted as I make my way off the drug. Stacey Date: Sat Nov 18, 2000 11:14am Response: Uh, 70 lbs is a MAJOR NEGATIVE reaction. I hope you are able to come off this drug without any problems. Keep us posted. If you can manage your anxiety, then ditching Paxil sounds like a good idea. This may seem like a stupid quesiton, but what does you doctor say about this weight gain?? One woman I know gained 100 lbs on Paxil and her doctor didn't even blink an eye. I don't get it. Anxiety is no fun to deal with but neither are obesity-related problems. Wishing you well. Trisha Date: Sat Nov 18, 2000 3:33am No, my Dr. does not seem concerned about the weight gain, even though I have mentioned it to him several times. The only good thing he has done, is to mention a new study that came out regarding a definite correlation between paxil and weight gain. He wanted me to switch to Celexa, but I want to just get off SSRI's all together. Stacey